Hive Stadium Edinburgh Reviews
This venue is ranked #10 of 11 venues in Edinburgh
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This venue is ranked #10 of 11 venues in Edinburgh
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Margaret, Malton Sun, 26 June 2022
Attended Eagles concert which was great. The instructions beforehand were no bags bigger than A5, which is tiny, but they were letting bigger bags through, so we think it should have said A3! Security checks varied by turnstile - our chap checked bags and wanded bodies front and back, next to us only checked bags. The seats are packed in so not much room for anyone tall or large but they were surprisingly comfortable. Visibility of the stage was good. Lots of exit points so getting out was easy. Overall a very good venue.
Liked: Visibility of the stage.
Disliked: Security checks on the way in were not consistent across all the turnstiles.
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