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TripAdvisor Traveler Rating

Harrah's Laughlin is #11 of 26 things to do in Laughlin

1 of 5 stars1 out of 5
By: 316ernestf, East Peoria, Illinois
Tue 6 Aug, 2024
l Air conditioning was not working, 112 degrees outside, asked to be moved to another room, was told they were sold out, so they would send up maintenance , 1 1/2 hours later, he shows up as we were...

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1 of 5 stars1 out of 5
By: Sandy F, Scottsdale
Sat 27 Jul, 2024
l Was on a charter flight out of Mesa. Long story short. Flight Scheduled for 5:50 pm departure. First delay 6:30 departure due to mechanical issues. 2nd delay 7:15 departure due to mechanical...

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2 of 5 stars2 out of 5
By: Sparky S
Thu 11 Jul, 2024
l We were in room 20282 and noticed the hallway carpet was a trip hazard due to waves in the carpet (unsecured). Upon entering the room, we noticed a number of issues that we feel should not have been...

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